Brochure for students

Hi everyone,

Please take a look at the attached brochure for students – it’s been looked at by all the people related to the content, but if anyone has any final thoughts let me know!

This brochure was put together as a project by the IDEA Committee to respond to concerns raised by the Presidential Initiative on Racial Equity and Diversity report about the affordability of course materials. The purpose is to present ways the libraries can help students get access to course materials for free, and to help them get more information about those (and other) services.

If you have time please take a look – we’d like to print it tomorrow (Thursday) so that we can distribute it and have it for people to pick up at the libraries’ orientation. If branch libraries or other departments would like copies let me know – it will print black and white so should be able to be printed on just about any printer (though we may try to print it in a fun color).



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