The Slowdown

That’s right, when you’ve been hitting the Library Lowdown a little too hard, it may be time for The Slowdown. This is the place for fun, social, or general interest items that don’t quite belong on the main page.

Something to add? Use The Slowdown Submission Form.

But hey, keep it clean.

CHOCOLATE bars for volleyball fundraiser $1/each

Please stop by DMS this week and next week to get your “World’s Finest Chocolate” bar for $1 each. Cash/Venmo/Paypal accepted.

Flavors include Milk Chocolate, Caramel, Wafer, W.F. Crisp, Dark Chocolate, Almond.

Proceeds support Claire’s school volleyball team.

Claire Hasley

Free Piano to give away

Old beautiful upright piano, probably from the 80s by Kimball Chicago.

There are some flaws of the piano, but the sound is great, it has been played quite often.

The piano stool is also included and is quite heavy.

Contact me if you or anyone you know will be interested. Thank you.



Art Market 2022 – I’ll be one of your vendors!

Hi all,

I hope you’re well.

This is not library related, unless you want it to be in your heart or your heart-shaped glasses. I know it is in mine. As such, I am posting as a regular but very cool person with underground access to the Lowdown, and not as your Con Library Creature of the Night.

Yours truly will be one of the vendors in this year’s Art Market, this Saturday, December 10th, from 10am to 5pm in Studio OC, at The Hotel At Oberlin.

I’d like to invite you all to come wave at me (in the daytime, too, whaaaaat?)(don’t worry, my fangs remain recessed under sunlight), visit the Market and get yourself or your loved ones some artsy gifts for the holidays, or just because. There will be and array of vendors selling all sorts of things, ranging from art prints to jewelry. Come support everyone if you don’t like my things. You’re wrong, but you’re welcome to join us anyway. We love community.

I’ll be selling a series of block prints, some digital illustrations, *maybe* some handmade inked pieces (these are currently in crisis-mode)(the prints… not the print maker… or so she says), and a few stickers of various sizes.

Don’t want to get up early, get dressed, and come to Studio OC to find you don’t like anything? Lucky for you, I am a Circulation folk at the core, and I live to make things accessible for you. Here’s a link to GSlides with images of what you can expect to find on my table, with pricing and other info. While I can’t make promises where the digillustrations are concerned, second and third runs can be borne out of the blocks should you be unable to attend Art Market. As my people say: “pide, que hay”.

@ngn.6071 on IG.

See you there! I’ll be the one in the pink glasses holding her eyes open with toothpicks, like a sick Hanna-Barbera cartoon. Okay. I’m done. Your regular library programming will now resume.


Natalie Gutiérrez-Negrón

old magazines?

A few years of worth of This Old House and Dwell … yours for the asking!?!?

Cleveland Botanical Garden herb sale

The Herb Society ladies are once again holding the previous-to-Covid annual herb sale this Saturday. Homemade items like jams, wreaths, teas, dried fresh herbs and more from the organic herb gardens at the Cleveland Botanical Garden. I get most of my small gift items for the holidays at these sales. — Anne

Oberlin Orchestra with Musical Union, College Choir and Gospel Choir

I am excited to invite everyone to the Oberlin Orchestra/Musical Union concert this Thursday, Oct 13, 7:30pm.  The program begins with two pieces by the orchestra alone; the combined choruses (there are many of us!) join at intermission for R. Nathaniel Dett’s The Ordering of Moses.  Many more details are in the OC Events entry.  The concert will be live-streamed if you can’t make it to Finney – but the sound is amazing in Finney.  So many instruments and voices together, it’s quite exhilarating!

We will perform this work again in Carnegie Hall, New York NY, in January.  I am really looking forward to that experience.  –Alison

Library Sitcom “Shelved”

Public libraries are finally getting their own workplace comedy. Executive produced and created by Anthony Q. Farrell, it’s a Canadian production that I’m hoping will be funny, well-written, and accurate-ish. According to Deadline, Bell Media Distribution is planning to sell Shelved internationally — bringing this library sitcom to a channel near you.

Seeking dogsitter

Hi everyone! 

This is not work-related, just something I’m looking for. I’d be grateful if you would– and, do feel free to– circulate this to anyone you think might be a good fit!

From the evening of Friday, 10/14 until the evening of Sunday, 10/17, I need a dogsitter for the ten year old chiweenie Pigeon-bird-of-my-heart, who is pictured below. 

He is flexible in the sense that I could have someone stay with him, or he could go to stay with someone. He is not flexible in the sense that he can be rude to other nonhuman mammals; it would be best that he be the only such, wherever he stays. 

I can compensate in the amount of $100; care involves a couple walks a day, and medication served with peanut butter cookies in the morning and evening. Otherwise, he’s pretty low-key– and very charming, I think!