The Slowdown

That’s right, when you’ve been hitting the Library Lowdown a little too hard, it may be time for The Slowdown. This is the place for fun, social, or general interest items that don’t quite belong on the main page.

Something to add? Use The Slowdown Submission Form.

But hey, keep it clean.

Offer – small KN95 masks

I ordered a package of ‘smaller’ size Powecom KN95 hoping they would fit me better than the regular ones do, but they are just a bit too small to be comfortable (short earloops).  If you could use up to 9 of these, let me know (email/call/find me).  -Rebecca

Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater returns to Cleveland

Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater is returning to Cleveland this weekend and has a homegrown dancer in it’s midst. Lloyd A. Boyd III was a student at the Cleveland School for the Arts when I was interpreting in the dance program. This is his first year with the full company.

“Revel in the passion these extraordinary dancers bring to each step, the artistry no pandemic can diminish, and the communal joy of live performance. The Company will present two programs featuring contemporary works by Aszure Barton and Jawole Willa Jo Zollar and classics by Alvin Ailey, including Cry (celebrating its 50th anniversary), Blues Suite, Pas de Duke, and the beloved Revelations, a universal anthem of resilience that resounds anew in 2022.”

It is sure to be a wonderful performance.

Instagram: @lloydaboyd

Anybody want some irises?

Hey gardeners ….

I have a metric TON of iris bulbs* to give away.  You can have as many as you like.  They’re on the table outside my office.  Come get ’em!!

*These came from my mom’s friend Barb’s parents’ place in Maine. Barb is happy to know that her parents’ irises are going far and wide 🙂

Deaf History Month: “True Biz” by Sara Nović

Reese Witherspoon’s Book Club has chosen True Biz by Sara Nović as a book of the month.

“This month’s book pick #TrueBiz by Sara Nović is an eye opening and heartfelt story about human connection and the beauty and adversity woven into the deaf community and culture. It not only pulled at my heartstrings, but is both an educational and electrifying peek into a family that fights for connections even as the outside world threatens to close the door on them.” – RW

Check out the announcement below with the author Sara Nović providing the ASL translation.

Book Club Announcement with ASL translation

Reframing History podcast series

First Reframing History podcast now available.  As part of the Reframing History initiative, AASLH has prepared a six-episode Reframing History Podcast to explore how we communicate history and what it looks like to shift the public conversation. Episode one is now available, featuring an interview with NCPH member (and 2023 Program Committee co-chair) Lacey Wilson. Listen on the AASLH website or subscribe wherever you get your podcasts! New episodes will be released every Wednesday.

Eggs for Sale

If anyone is interested in ordering fresh eggs (duck and chicken), I have them available on a fairly regular basis.

Click Here for the order form. Orders will be filled in the order received and when eggs are available. I will notify by email the day that I bring your order.

Honesty for Ohio Education–oppose HB 327

House Bill 327 restricts, censors, and prohibits honest education, discussion, and training about our history, racism, sexism, gender, and identity throughout K-12 schools, state higher ed campuses, political subdivisions, and state agencies


*The House State and Local Government (SLG) Committee is expected to hold a
hearing for HB 327 on Wednesday, March 9. *

We understand the committee will allow limited testimony and intends to
vote the bill out of committee after testimony is presented.
Note, the committee can move this date forward or backward with very little
warning. ACT NOW!


[From the Society of Ohio Archivists]