The Slowdown

That’s right, when you’ve been hitting the Library Lowdown a little too hard, it may be time for The Slowdown. This is the place for fun, social, or general interest items that don’t quite belong on the main page.

Something to add? Use The Slowdown Submission Form.

But hey, keep it clean.

International Journal of Digital Curation

I didn’t know about this journal until I was interviewed for an article in progress about our use of Archon and plans for migration to another system. Their 2022 issue is delayed by Covid, but I look forward to reading the author’s survey results. I thought some of you would find this journal of interest, which covers a broad range of digital curation.

Girl Scout Cookies time!

Claire is selling Girl Scout Cookies now.

Purchase through the cookie website for in person or delivery.
Or email me your order for Claire to deliver in person.
In person delivery will be late February/early March. Online shipping will normally arrive within a week or so after order.
I check the site regularly so the order will be approved.

PayPal @SHasley2699
Venmo @Sara-Hasley2699

A work in progress

The Slowdown is not quite finished so bear with me! It only sort of works right now and needs several tweaks to make it ready (as in getting it to show who submitted a post for starters).

Use at your own risk!