ILS Migration Survey

Hi Everyone,

You are invited to complete a short ILS Migration Survey to let the Oberlin College Libraries’ ILS Migration Task Force know what you would like to see in a new system. This information will be forwarded to OhioLINK, so to allow the task force time to process your feedback and submit it to OhioLINK by their deadline, please complete the survey by Friday, August 5, 2022, at noon.

OCL staff will have further opportunities to participate in the ILS vendor selection process at demo sessions after OhioLINK determines the finalists. More details about timing will be available later this year. See below for background information about the ILS migration.

Thanks for your help!

-Michael M.


The Ohio Legislature has approved funding for OhioLINK to seek proposals for a new integrated library system. The funding also includes the implementation costs of migrating OhioLINK member libraries, so it’s likely that big changes are coming to Sierra/OBIS in the next 2–3 years. OhioLINK is asking its members to provide feedback for the request for proposals (RFP) they intend to release in Fall 2022.

OCL has formed an ILS Migration Task Force that is charged with the preparation for the migration, as well as working with OhioLINK and the new vendor on implementing the new system. The task force is also gathering staff input, via the above survey, to forward to OhioLINK as they construct their RFP. Thanks for your input!

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