Open science policies and best practices in academic and research libraries

IFLA ARL Section Webinar series

Open science policies and best practices in academic and research libraries

Date: 11 October 2023

Time: 15:00-16:00 (CET)


Open science is a new concept that has introduced new ways on how scholarly output has been created, managed, stored, and distributed to the global society. Research and academic institutions have implemented open science initiatives that aim at enhancing academic excellence and addressing societal challenges through knowledge creation and dissemination.

Academic and research libraries are being influenced by the open science movement to reposition and reengineer their functions and roles. They are developing open science initiatives that aim at transforming research, teaching, and learning as well as leveraging on digital technologies that enhance transparency and easy accessibility of data, information and knowledge that is shared, redistributed, and reproduced.

This webinar’s objective is to discuss academic and research libraries’ engagement in the open science movement. Additionally, to find out from these libraries if their countries each have a national open science framework that enforces institutions to adopt. Therefore, the presenters will give insights on how their individual libraries have developed and implemented open science policies and effective strategies on embracing open science agenda.

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