Oberlin Group Lightning Talks–March 23

The Oberlin DEI and Antiracism Ad Hoc Committee (ODAC) is hosting our 2nd Oberlin Group DEI Lightning Talks. There will be seven speakers from a variety of institutions who will speak about DEI and antiracism from an array of areas within the academic library. Following the lightning talks will be our Keynote speaker, Monica Figueroa (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), with her presentation “21 Days and Beyond: Building and Sustaining Racial Equity Conversations in an Academic Library”.




Five Tips for a More Inclusive Job Ad

Christy Allen, Associate Director for Digital and Resource Management, Furman University

Re-Imagining a Digital Communications Strategy for Achieving Greater Racial Justice in the Library

Jennifer He, Web Content Specialist, Smith College

Whose History? Whose Responsibility?: Racism in Historical Collections

Melanie Maksin, Head of Academic Engagement, and Debra Bucher, Head of Collections & Discovery, Vassar College

Engaging with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at the College Library: A Departmental Discussion Group Effort

Anna Boutin-Cooper, Research & Visual Arts Librarian, Franklin & Marshall College

Exploring White Supremacy Culture to Develop Inclusive Culture: A Library’s Work in Progress

Jess Denke, Outreach and Assessment Librarian, Muhlenberg College

“Make Money From Home!” Soliciting and Archiving Trauma at Middlebury College

Rebekah Irwin, Curator and Director, Special Collections and Archives, Middlebury College

Bringing Outside Resources & Services In: Library Work in the Freedom Education Project Puget Sound

Benjamin Tucker, Scholarly Communications & Digital Projects Librarian, and Jane Carlin, Library Director, University of Puget Sound


Keynote Address: “21 Days and Beyond: Building and Sustaining Racial Equity Conversations in an Academic Library”

Monica Figueroa, Librarian for Inclusive Excellence, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill



The event will occur on Wednesday, March 23rd, at  9 am PST / 12 pm EST and will last 1.5 hours. Please register here.


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