Take Five Talks, Thursday Feb.9, 2:30pm, Thornton Room

There will be two, possibly three, presentations during the Take Five Talks session on Thursday Feb. 9 at 2:30pm in the Thornton Room.

  • Cameron Chan and Natalie Gutiérrez-Negrón. “Inventory and Error Correction Project to Prepare for New ILS system.”
  • Gena Reynolds. “Leather Conservation Workshop with Jeff Peachey”

The third possible talk will be from Valerie Hotchkiss, if timing works out and she can return to the library after another engagement on Thursday.

Join us in person or on Zoom: https://oberlin.zoom.us/j/9296024672

The next Take Five Talks session will be on April 13.  Sign up and share your work, achievements, recent conferences, workshops, etc. with the staff!

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