Mudd Center Orientation and New Student Resource Fair – Call for Help!

The Mudd Center Orientation, an essential event for advertising library and academic commons partner services to incoming students, will take place from 11am-2pm on Monday, August 28. We will be using the same Bingo format as the last two years, where students travel around the library to visit stops described on their Bingo card. We need volunteers to direct students into and around the building and the website.

We would really appreciate support from any library staff and student workers who are able to pitch in. In addition to Terrell Public services being down three people right now, the New Student Resource Fair, where we usually help staff a table representing the libraries, is taking place on Wilder Bowl at the same time as the Mudd Orientation. Any volunteers will be treated to a pizza lunch from Lorenzo’s.

If you or your student workers are able to help out with either Orientation or the New Student Resource Fair, please fill out this form no later than 5pm on Tuesday, August 22. (Please fill it out even if we’ve already been in contact with you about staffing a specific departmental stop – the form is how we’re getting a total headcount and dietary restriction information for the pizza order.) We’ll be in touch with information about your specific station assignments on August 24.

Contact the core reference team if you have any questions, and thank you for helping to make orientation a success!

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