Grey bins

I spoke with Angela Crawford this morning about the “Grey Bins Mystery” (sounds like a Nancy Drew novel). Her answer:

We have a regular moving order to move grey bins among the libraries each week and Angela and team “get to it when we can.” This is a sort of courier service.

Using those grey bins as boxes to carry a few books, supplies, snacks, or disaster equipment around your library or between libraries is perfectly OK with them.  They understand that sometimes a grey bin is just a box and that the world has to move things around sometimes.  Just as you would not call the movers in order to move a chair or table or lamp around the room for your convenience, you should not call them every time something is transported in a grey bin.

Union-wise, it’s a case of “you know it when you see it,” in other words, substantial, regular (like the courier service), or involved moves should be handled through Angela’s office (i.e., work order), but general day-to-day transfer  or moves of  less substantial things (in grey bins or other conveyances) is fine with them.

Hope that helps.



One thought on “Grey bins

  1. I’ve had a stack of 4 bins waiting to be transported to DMS for the last couple of weeks. I know the transportation folks have been busy with move-in and early-semester events, etc. But I also submitted a work order a week ago (with a FOAP!), and those bins are still here, waiting to be transported. Luckily it’s nothing urgent!

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