Reminder: All Libraries Staff please reply to the Library Council Transition survey by 4/27/22

This is a reminder that the Library Council Transition Committee invites your responses to the 2022-2024 Library Council membership survey.

We’re now soliciting nominations to replace Alonso Avila, Lindsey Felice, Tim Keller, Kay Spiros, and Gregory Solow, who will complete their two-year terms in August 2022. Continuing members are Faith Hoffman, Alison Ricker, Anne Salsich, Julie Weir, Crystal Willer (and her replacement, to be decided) and Tracy Sutherland (ex officio). Here is a listing of everyone who has served thus far.  

All Libraries staff should please respond to this brief poll by noon on Wednesday, April 27th.  If you have not served recently, your name will remain under consideration for inclusion on Library Council unless you respond No.*

As a reminder, Council membership is intended to reflect a balance of public and technical services expertise and to ensure that a range of libraries, departments, and employee groups are represented.  More about Library Council’s mission, responsibilities, organization, and structure are available in the Library Council folder that all library staff can access in Google Drive.

Here’s a recap of some of our activities and accomplishments:

  • Passed new student worker pay rate guidance
  • Rescheduled Council meeting times to allow for wider accessibility
  • Investigated and pursued new forms of staff appreciation
  • Named and assisted in the introduction of the Library Lowdown
  • Revisited the onboarding process for new Library Council members to assure a smoother transition

You can find more details about the recent work of Library Council in the group’s publicly-available minutes. Please consider bringing your talents and interests to the group! A slate of potential new members will be reviewed at an upcoming Library Council meeting.

Thank you in advance for your interest and willingness to serve! Please let any member of the Transition Committee (Alonso, Lindsey, Tim, Kay, or Greg) know if you have any questions.

*The composition of Library Council is laid out in the Library Council Organization and Structure document, linked above. You may be contacted by the Transition Committee to serve regardless of your response if there is insufficient volunteer interest.

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