Facilities Plan Consultants on Campus Nov 1-2

I am pleased to announce that the College has chosen Fred Fischer & Partners and Brightspot Strategy to do a Space & Facilities Assessment and Design Plan for the Libraries.  They will be on campus November 1-2, doing tours our of spaces and meeting with various groups, including the Pan-Library Forum on Nov. 2, the faculty Library Committee, the Student Library Advisory Board.

Tours will take place on November 1 (time slots tba) and I have asked each unit head to meet with staff to discuss ideas about how to make our spaces more welcoming, accessible, efficient, and effective. In a way, we are reviewing what we did last fall so you have had a year to think about possible changes and improvements. Your group prep will be useful when the consultants tour our spaces and talk with all staff then and during the Pan-L Forum, which will be devoted to this topic.

We are ahead of the game with our good Strategic Directions document which states our shared values and sets out 6 Areas of Focus for our planning.  I would also point you to the Space Addendum, which the consultants have read carefully and which might serve as a basis and/or reference point for your ideas and suggestions.  There is plenty of room for your expertise and creativity within those goals. (I believe the Space Addendum begins on p. 12).

Their plan will only be able to meet our needs and values if we give them clear and direct input. Thank you for reflecting on this individually and as a unit before November 1.




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