Welcome Gwen Gemmell our newest member of the Oberlin College Libraries staff!

Please join me in welcoming Gwen Gemmell (she/her) the new Science Library Administrative Assistant. She is an Oberlin College Alum (’23) and plans to pursue her MLIS in the future. She began work in Oberlin College Libraries in the Fall of 2021, while she was a student. She worked at the Conservatory Library in Reference and Circulation. During this time, she collaborated with Kathleen Abromeit on a Music Received column that appeared in the MLA publication, Notes. In her free time, Gwen is a classical vocalist and poet. She loves taking her two cats on walks through town. She will be starting her new role on August 7th. Make sure to say hi if you see her around.

2 thoughts on “Welcome Gwen Gemmell our newest member of the Oberlin College Libraries staff!

  1. So glad you are here!!!

  2. Wonderful! Welcome, Gwen!!

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