
Dear Everyone,

Thank you so much for the wonderful reception yesterday to honor my retirement from Oberlin College Library.  It was great to see everyone, people I’ve known for just a few months to those who have been on the staff longer than I had been, to retirees.  Thank you for the beautiful picture (Mme. Monet and Child), which can be seen by the copier in technical services.  Thank you for the Kindle, which I am looking forward to using it with Libby and ebook purchases.  Thanks especially to Ashley, Lindsey and Sara, who organized the event.

It was great to spend the afternoon with people I’ve worked with for so long!  For people who are wondering what I’ll do with my new-found free time:  Scott and I are leaving tomorrow to visit our son in Illinois and our daughter and her family in Colorado.  After that, my plans and options are wide open, but I will be around town, often walking — if you see me, you can always stop and say hello!

I wish the best for the libraries and the staff going forward, it’s been a good 35 years!


2 thoughts on “Thanks!

  1. Sorry I had to miss the party Ellen! Best wishes for this next stage of life 🙂

  2. Congratulations, Ellen! Enjoy every moment!

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