Sad news: Judy Fannin

Hi, everyone,

I am sad to have learned this morning from her husband, Marvin Fannin, that Judy Fannin, the Conservatory LIbrary’s long-time secretary, passed away last night. Having suffered a concussion after a fall on 3 November, Judy recently had a stroke while in rehab at Welcome Nursing Home.
Judy began work at Oberlin in the Allen Memorial Art Museum prior to coming to the Conservatory Library in 1985. She retired as departmental secretary in May 2009. We who knew her will always remember her ready smile and sunny disposition as you can see in the photo attached taken at her retirement party. Marvin is next to her, and Molly Johnson is in the background.
Plans for a memorial service are still developing, but we will provide an update as possible. Please let me know if you would like Marvin’s home address.
With fond memories,

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