Report to ObieSafe any mask or eating violations to the form

Hello Everybody,

Be sure to fill out the ObieSafe Report for violations you may see of the mask mandate and eating policy in your spaces.  In Terrell we are having an onslaught of students eating and not wearing masks in our areas. This is the best way to get action on this issue so please consider filling out the form here. They won’t know if its not reported.



One thought on “Report to ObieSafe any mask or eating violations to the form

  1. This isn’t precisely a library issue, but I wonder if the Con Lounge is designated as a location where students are allowed to remove masks and eat meals, etc. I see this all the time and find myself walking through a lot of maskless people — almost unavoidable since the lounge is in a main corridor and at a main building entrance. Not safe.

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