Quick query on mini pillow pit

Please send me your reaction to the idea of removing the small brown pillow pit on Terrell 2 and putting two large round study tables there instead.  [Not the iconic colorful pit, but rather the small brown one nearby.]. Hope to make a decision, with your help, by July 28.




4 thoughts on “Quick query on mini pillow pit

  1. Excellent idea – I think a couple of round study tables would get more use by the students. The brown cubes are pretty ratty and not super comfortable.

  2. I do see students using the small cushion pit to study and sleep, but not that frequently. Since we’re not getting the study rooms back, I think it’s a great idea.

    • still working on the study rooms, Michael P. Keep the faith!

  3. I rarely see students using the brown cushion pit, so replacing it with tables of even the low sofas would probably be an improvement.

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