More Cork board information/background

The multiple cork boards that previously hung in the main stairwell of Terrell were shifted and combined into one large posting site on the between the first and second floors at the request of the Student Library Advisory Board, which suggested the change as a way of centralizing postings and cutting down on paper waste due to multiple postings throughout the stairwell.

There are still smaller posting boards across from the elevator on each floor and, of course, all over Azariah’s.

The summer plan is to add art in the stairwells (and to clean the art that is already in there).  We may have some throwback issues with folks taping posters to the concrete walls in the fall, but our posting guidelines mean that they will be removed immediately and will hopefully cease after a while. Other plans include fixing the stack/directional signs at each door and perhaps even some fun vinyl door coverings.  Stay tuned and send your thoughts and ideas, as always.




One thought on “More Cork board information/background

  1. I think the move is fantastic. It will ease the clean-up of out of date posters and hopefully keep things looking better.


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