Megan Mitchell to retire July 14th, 2023

It saddens me to announce the retirement of Megan Mitchell. Megan has been an integral part of the libraries since she began on July 15, 1992. Her contributions will always be valued and remembered. Her hard work, commitment and dedication are worthy of admiration. During her tenure here, Megan has had several job title changes which included Reference, Government Documents, Electronic Services, Instruction, Digital Initiatives & Academic Engagement. Filling her shoes will be an almost impossible task. Thankfully we’ll still get to see her on occasion as she continues her part time work with the Five Colleges of Ohio, as their CODEX program director, focusing on open education resources and pedagogy. Speaking of which Megan has been liaison to 10 different departments and is currently liaising with 6. She plans on doing more gardening after retirement.

Please join me in congratulating Megan on this major accomplishment.

You will be greatly missed!

One thought on “Megan Mitchell to retire July 14th, 2023

  1. devastating for us…..but happy for you, Megan. Oberlin College Libraries will not be the same.

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