Library Perspectives — call for submissions!

Dear OCL Staff:

It’s time to collect submissions for the upcoming issue of Library Perspectives, and my task is to help document our intellectual/scholarly contributions as partners in Teaching, Learning, and Research.

Soooooo …. if you have published any work-related articles, given any presentations, taken on a new role, or made a significant contribution since our last issue of Library Perspectives, please send this information to me by Monday, June 3! Please let me know if you need a little more time. Try to keep ’em short and sweet, though. Each submission is limited to 55 words and may be edited for length.

Thank you in advance for your contributions!

One thought on “Library Perspectives — call for submissions!

  1. Updated to add that I sent this message out about 3 weeks ago on the staff email list but haven’t gotten any responses yet …! I realize June 3 is Monday, so if more time is needed, just let me know and we’ll work something out!

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