Library Leadership Notes: 5/4/22

Agenda items & Notes on Decisions, Actions, and Responsibilities

PDQ questions (Rebecca)

Time reckoning may not best match what OCL needs or our official job descriptions- how to address this?

VH suggests: Might be good to preface it all with: “the overarching responsibility is to furthering the Strategic Goals of the College and the Libraries (and cite our Strategic Directions doc).”  Deb opines that this PDQ process is really just a step–but important to note everything that we do (or ought to do) regardless of what you are really doing now.  Look at it broadly/ideally, not just as a record of your current day-to-day work at this moment (filling in this or that or putting out fires), but reflecting your overall job description.

Q: Does HR have our most recent job descriptions? Tracy will forward all updated A&PS job description to Beth, Maggie, and Joe. MSM noted that current job descriptions may not always be exactly what they ought to be (evolving librarianship…). This is a useful exercise and one that will lead to market research and a better appreciation of what we do in the libraries–embrace it!

NB: LLT will begin to invite Kathy Abromeit as of June 1 for overlap

DACs as framework?

  • DACs – hold monthly meetings, may be easier for librarians to be able to have a presence with faculty

  • Possible fund organization basis?

  • VH will put this idea forward at Pan-L, too.  Food for thought for now.

Discussion of various roles of librarians in areas of reference, research, liaising, selecting.  Need for more clarity and fewer meetings perhaps.  Research and Instruction Librarians group?  Plus a collection development collegium?  What about things like Scholarly Communications and Digital Scholarship?  Again, needs more input for those involved, but open to new ways of thinking about how librarians can work best together.

Any comments on Missing item cleanup plan, or move to email/later meeting?  Many missing items. Clean up now in prep for ILS migration and general database hygiene?

  • What happens if patron brings book for checkout and it is not in OBIS? (Will work out solution with Tracy, circ, branch circ.)

  • FYI (Ed): Old/Oberliana – may be in Special Colls even if item location is not

  • (Side reclass discussion: Does keeping things in Dewey help students avoid editions they should not be using for research)

  • LLT positively leaning toward this….YES! (Plan as a whole; many more meetings needed re specifics (inventory, circ, other), outlined on plan document.)

  • Carnegie discussion–some things may be marked missing because certain staff didn’t know where to look for them. (Cleanup plan recommends meeting with Tracy/Cameron/branch stacks/Paul re all current inventory projects, which would include Carnegie.)

  • Will liaisons be able to get circ counts and other info? Yes.

  • Alison: Please don’t reclass Science Deweys. (Focusing on missing, there are only 4 Deweys not identified for withdraw if found; if items are deleted the reclass note will disappear.)

  • After discussion, vote taken and this project green lighted to move forward.  Rebecca will, however, discuss with Paul when he arrives.

Any comment on the draft  thesis policy?

  • First or only copy to be housed in special collections, will not circulate

  • Anyone encountering a copy 1, copy with tipins, etc consult with Ed; probably a special collections copy

  • Theses in Art, Terrell, Con, Sci

  • ACTION ITEM: run lists, get count, see where copy 1’s are (rb coordinate). Consistent note? [Update: lists run and spreadsheet sent to LLT email list May 4]

  • ACTION ITEM: Ed will send examples to try to track

  • Art against circulating copy 2; OCL generally avoids circulating scarce titles.  Digitizing theses avoids this problem.

  • Digitization plan masters theses – to IR with takedown on request

Please send any comments or questions. We will take a read on consensus (or not) at the next LLT meeting–consensus will determine overarching policy. 

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