Library Leadership Notes: 3/9/22

Agenda items & Notes on Decisions, Actions, and Responsibilities

Storage update

Two interior doors in Carnegie will be card swipe in the near future to improve security. Room 129 will be cleared for Library triage space. Talk of future of Carnegie…Libraries need a different solution for offsite collections facility (see Strategic Directions document)

Receiving room update

Lots of noise and ruckus right now.  Shelving moving into swing space in Moffett. Moffett is overflowing.  Brad is working on it.  Late May expected date to move back in. It’s going to be great when we get back in there!

Student staff budget update with thanks

Thank you to everyone for trimming or rethinking student budgets to conform to our needs and means. New service models may may rely more on FT employees. Library hours should not be cut without serious evidence-based support and communication with faculty and administration.

Spring break hours 

Should be up to date. Please check and change if not correct.

Facilities master plan RFP (VH)  This summer! RFP has gone out to consulting firms.They have our Strategic Directions document and the Director of Facilities says we’ve already done half their work. Yay team.

Library Space report discussion and Oberlin Group document (VH)

The Library of the Future (chronicle of higher ed) discussion concerning use of libraries by other units on campus. VH will schedule.

All In For Oberlin video underway (again)  Need a student voice. Send storyboard to LLT. Heath, Kathy and Valerie are leading this effort to create a 1min video for April 28.

Distinctive collections will do show & tell for planned giving donors in mid May

Preparing  7’ presentations per collection for donors in zoom presentation. We have asked Runxiao, Ken, and Crystal and Caleb for this round. Hopefully, this will become a series!

Art Library: Cute St. Patrick student exhibit. Come see! Students using lots of books for projects Increased class visits. Kay and Barb –two weeks intensive training all their student assistants.

Special Collections: Requests for instruction in Special Collections are going up!  Especially letterpress studio visits.

Science: Fun encounter with studio art class investigating their projects using the Science Library.  Nice interdisciplinary engagement.

Con Library: Much instruction.  Crystal’s instruction requests going up.

Main: bell hooks read in went pretty well yesterday

Tech Service: LC to discuss change from LCSH Slaves to Enslaved people and others.

Archives: Seeking an undergrad intern for the summer. Endowed position.

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