Library Leadership Notes: 2/2/22

Library Leadership Team Notes for

2 February  2022 meeting


Agenda and Notes on Decisions, Actions, and Responsibilities


Professional/personal web pages: next steps (Debbie)

Valerie will post reminder message re: specifics for submission of info for one’s page.  Michael will answer any questions. PanLibrary Forum and Valerie will give folks a “deadline!” Request that Library Leadership Team members stress this project to their staff.  Participation makes it better!

EdTech Committee follow up (Valerie)–Megan Mitchell was invited. She will keep Michael McFarlin in the loop.

Security gate decisions (Debbie).  Gate without counter available; Decision: try to add mechanical/laser beam counter to put at door somehow.

Wert Bindery update (Debbie)

A sample has been sent to Wert!

FY23 Budget process–getting underway.  Libraries are nearing the end of the phase of cutting capital (material) budgets.  Not sure yet what the future (FY23) budget will look like for the libraries; don’t expect too much more cutting…. Valerie to meet with Deans next week.

Inclement weather policies. HR will be coming out with a communication today.  Terrell remains open as long as the campus remains open.  Those who cannot make it in must take PTO time. No work from home is the official policy of Oberlin. Tracy will work on an essential staff list and communicate with ALL libraries about keeping the doors open, if possible. More as this develops.

Art Library/Carnegie: Since the new shelving installation has been delayed the Art Library will not be moving bound periodicals to Carnegie Storage as previously discussed.  Art will now move their bound periodicals and classed serials to Carnegie this summer.  We are working with Tracy to formulate plans for backshifting Carnegie so the space will be ready by the end of the spring semester.

Strategic Directions draft update–rethinking of long spreadsheet of “to dos” in favor of streamlined Strategic Directions document that gives more agency and creativity to units in setting goals to live up to our “north star” values.  For the next three years, we will use the document in goal setting and departmental reviews of accomplishments.

Added feature for Outreach: “You asked for it, we did it” progress updates on particular ideas/issues asked for in surveys/focus groups.  These will be pulled out and highlighted for each department head to consider.

PROCESS: First draft to LLT and Library Council by next Friday (Feb. 11) for comment by Tuesday, Feb. 15.  Then to the GF Library Committee and Student Advisory Committee by Friday, Feb. 18 for comments due back by Tuesday, Feb. 22.  Posted to Library Lowdown by Feb. 25. Then to Deans and administrators by the end of the month.

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