Increase Library Usage Through Strategic Merchandising

Everyone is welcome to view a recording of the webinar “Increase Library Usage Through Strategic Merchandising” in the Thornton Room from 1:30-2:30 PM today.

“There’s a lot of science and psychology in the retail merchandising world that can benefit your library. In fact, it can not only invigorate and improve your everyday displays and signage, it can also increase your usage statistics. Trying it doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive. In this webinar, Kathy Dempsey will explain what merchandising is and will reveal strategies to help you do it quickly and effectively. Through pro tips and lots of photographic examples, you will:

  • Learn the difference between creating displays and doing merchandising.
  • Understand how the magic of merchandising can increase library usage and circulation.
  • Realize what turns people off and keeps them from entering your building.
  • View photos of great (and not-so-great) merchandising from libraries around the world.
  • Realize how merchandising, signage, and displays affect the user experience (UX).

Note: This session is not geared toward ideas about what to display. Instead, it’s about the strategies behind good displays, signage, and promotion. It’s about upholding your brand and improving customers’ usage of, and perspectives of, the library.”

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