Fire Alarm?? Real or Not ? How do we actually know?

The alarm didn’t go off in our area/floor, lights flashed. Checked to see if we were evacuating, nope. But moments later staff tried to enter the building and was told we are evacuating?

Where is the official word on fire alarms? Staff email, or Library Lowdown, Library Lowdown update summary via email tomorrow?

Mixed messages…


2 thoughts on “Fire Alarm?? Real or Not ? How do we actually know?

  1. Hi folks,

    I ran into Brad Burrer: he apologized for failing to properly inform us. The Fire Chief was suddenly available at a time he had previously been busy and they took advantage of the moment. It was only a test, but no one knew about it.


  2. Every alarm is “real” and should be responded to as if real by evacuating.

    The Libraries are not “in charge” of fire alarms or drills so we cannot communicate better on this

    We must take every alarm seriously and evacuate until a facilities person or fire marshal tells us we may re-enter the building. Any other response poses grave safety risks in the long run. Please leave the building whenever you hear/see a fire alarm, even if you are sure it is just a mistake, a test or an unannounced drill.

    Better safe than sorry.

    Thanks, Valerie

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