DHL Notes 7/6/22

6 July 2022

Agenda items &  Notes on Decisions, Actions, and Responsibilities

Copyright Clearance opt out. Valerie has asked Oberlin’s legal counsel if we may process the opt out papers for OCL. More info on this:

OhioLINK ILS migration

VH has sent memo to Deans explaining OhioLink’s move toward a new ILS for all libraries, with note on probable additional costs for us. For background, here’s OhioLink’s announcement.  Paul will be gathering together task force to plan for clean up and other migration issues and to help OhioLink evaluate vendors during the RFP process.

Consortial question: Question as to why Oberlin stayed out of Ohio 5 consortium in current ILS environment.  Leaning towards more consortial arrangement if beneficial to us this time.  Kathy will talk with Phyllis and Valerie will talk with Ray about the reasoning behind being separate in the past.

Fiscal year close

Sierra is closed. Congratulations and thanks to everyone involved!  Erin is reconciling, etc. in Banner. She doesn’t anticipate finance getting our budget  numbers into Banner any sooner than last year… but we know our budget for FY23 and it will be put into Sierra. Any adjustments due to endowments will come down the pike later.  Managers will meet monthly with Erin on their budgets. We are in a different world now, a world without wiggle room in the budget, so we must be vigilant.

FY23 firm orders budget after recurring materials costs is less than $150K. This means we are a demand-driven library now, not a collection-building library. We must think of collections as a service in this new environment. Please make it clear to your staff, however, that we will try very hard never to say no to faculty requests  (and yes, we continue to buy a copy of  every faculty publication).  We just do not have the luxury of building “just in case” collections any longer.  VH notes that this minimal budget should incentivize us to take a long hard look at databases and journals (again) since cutting recurring costs is the only way to gain more funds for one-time acquisitions.

Fiscal year beginning info: budget advice memo that went out last week was for general guidance on ordering things outside of collections budget. Each branch has its own supplies/work order budget; please keep abreast of these costs and “know before you go” with this kind of thing.  Aiming for more transparency from facilities on costs, especially from facilities/transportation. Barb will share a memo from a few years ago that might shed light on this.

FY23 ordering will begin again in mid July; Paul will let us know when firm orders can begin with a memo.

Art Library, much underway, many issues with shelving move and installation.  Everything that could go wrong has gone wrong. Barb will write it up and Valerie will pass on to Director of  Facilities.  Problem with furniture that did not arrive by June 30–costs will eat into capital budget for FY23.

Science Library: carpet cleaning underway.  Cushions need cleaning.  Alison informed us that the library is actually open Fridays in July, 1:00-4:30.  This was not noted in earlier LLT/DHL notes when the decision about closing was made. Signage around campus does not reflect it, but Library hours page is updated to reflect this.

Conservatory Library: Carpets are being cleaned.  Hard to take on summer projects because staff is down a bit.  Still teaching and reaching out to various constituencies. Tearful farewells to Debbie.

Archives: Summer intern, Elliot, is doing well. Footsteps to Freedom tours–this year at First Church (Ken and Amanda from Oberlin Heritage Center).  Artz scholars: 4 scholars this summer.  Hours are an issue, but have been handled.

Annual reports/planning

Professional librarians self-evaluation/annual reports due August 31

Departmental reports (libraries, Tech Services, Public Services) and planning. Please review Strategic Directions goals and values with your staff.  Many have not internalized it, VH notes.  It’s a good compass and reflects our values and our constituents desires.  Let’s use it.  Alison suggests sharing our planning documents with this group.  Good idea!  Also, VH asks that departments include plans/goals/directions for next year in their annual report for this year.

Facilities Plan, architectural firm this summer. 

No dates for their visit yet, but the firm is supposed to be decided upon in early July.  VH has meeting for July 13 to discuss with facilities leaders. More when we have it.

Updates: Michael McFarlin working with CIT on SSO in Sierra for patron accounts. VH asks about  Pioneer questions?

Mobile IDs: Michael M. also working on that. CIT did not consult with the libraries before implementing. Make sure CircWorking Group is up on this.  OhioLink borrowing and the new barcode?  Etc.

Recall system needs to work by the start of school. CircWork group gave go-ahead.

Gate update for Con Library, Mudd LL, and Art?  VH will resend email about the payment stuff. Need resolution now. VH will also check on the fact that Matt and Erin still do not have access to software (Microsoft and Adobe–since February.  Using personal accounts.

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