American Sign Language (ASL) resources

Hi, everyone,

Seems like there is interest among some of us to learn American Sign Language (ASL).  Erin shared some information with me and gave me permission to share it.  So here it is:

Some folks have seen me signing around the library and expressed interest in learning American Sign Language. I used to be a sign language interpreter and an ASL teacher (K-12) so I am happy to provide some resources especially with National Deaf History Month coming up in April.

American Sign Language is a complete language separate from English and other languages. It is recognized by the Ohio Dept of Education as a World Language and is accepted for language credit in high schools across the state and the country.

Several different options for learning ASL exist including in-person classes, online classes, and various apps. Each option has its benefits and drawbacks but everyone can find something that works for them. I am only listing online options and applications here; if you prefer an in-person experience, classes are offered by CHSC (Cleveland Hearing and Speech) and some local colleges.

For a lot more information, I recommend visiting the National Association for the Deaf website (, the National Deaf Center (, and the Clerc Center at Gallaudet University (

Happy signing and learning!


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