Alma Overview Webinar, 2/29/21, 2-3PM

Hi Everyone,

OhioLINK just sent registration links for an Ex Libris Alma Overview session. Email is pasted below. The session will be recorded and made available at OhioLINK’s website later, but here is a chance to learn more about our new library services platform that will be replacing Sierra. There is also a session in March on Rapido, the resource sharing piece.

Dear OhioLINK Members,

We will be continuing Ex Libris’ series of product webinars with upcoming overviews of the of the Alma library services platform and the Rapido resource sharing platform.

Register for the Ex Libris Alma Overview, February 29, 2-3PM. This presentation is for any library staff interested in understanding the Alma library services platform.

Register for the Ex Libris Rapido Overview, March 13, 2-3PM. This presentation is for any library staff interested in understanding the Rapido resource sharing platform and will be of particular interest for anyone involved in resource sharing, PCIRC, or ILL.

Both presentations will be recorded and added to the Ostaff Ex Libris Product Overviews playlist for viewing at a later time.



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