Alison Ricker to retire August 2023

It’s hard to imagine our workplace without Alison Ricker, but alas, she has announced her retirement from the Science Library at the end of August 2023. By that time she’ll have 40 years of employment and 46 years as a Librarian! She’s been liaison to 9 departments and has served on A&PS Council many times, as well as other committees for A&PS and General Faculty, and as Chair or a contributing member for many library committees, work groups, and task forces.

Alison’s professional contributions have been through service on ALAO committees and interest groups as president, newsletter editor, archivist, secretary, and membership chair.  She is also active in ALA ACRL Science and Technology Section, where she has chaired and/or served on several committees and as Council member and President.

She was instrumental in forming the Science Librarians Group of Oberlin Group Libraries and the College Libraries group of the ACRL Science and Technology Section. She also was a peer reviewer for the STS online journal, Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship.  She served on the library advisory groups for the American Chemical Society and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).  She was the ACRL Liaison to the AAAS for six years and she’s been a reviewer for Choice for many years and has contributed over 50 book reviews.

On behalf of all of the library staff it’s been a pleasure working with you Alison and it’s an honor to help you celebrate your retirement.


You have worked so hard to earn this milestone. May this new chapter bring you immeasurable joy, peace, love and fulfillment.

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