Equity and Inclusion Workshop with stipend

The Arts and Science Dean’s Office and Oberlin’s Howard Hughes Medical Institute grant are excited to offer another IDEAL Center workshop this summer for faculty and staff.

Space is limited, available on a first-come, first-served basis. Use this form to register by Sunday, July 31st.


Goals and purpose

“The Science Museum of Minnesota’s IDEAL Center helps professionals who are serious about equity and inclusion see their world differently and have the abilities, strategies and will to make it more just and open. [Our] intensive programs are designed specifically for leadership teams in a variety of organizations who want to work together, become change agents, and have a personally and professionally transformative experience.”


The workshop will be on Zoom the week of August 15-19, 2022 and run from approximately 9:00 am to 5:00 pm daily, with a break for lunch. The activities/curriculum develop over the course of the week, so participants need to attend all five days. It will be a group of ~ 24 Oberlin faculty, with roughly half from the sciences and half from other disciplines. Faculty and staff who participate in the workshop will receive a stipend of $500 (pre-tax).


Adam Eck, Cynthia Taylor, and Kevin Woods are available to answer questions about the IDEAL Center workshop and its impact.

Sabriya N. Rosemond, PhD (she/her)

CLEAR Director

Lecturer in Biology

HHMI IE Program Director

Science Center, K102

Oberlin College

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