Welcome to Emerson Morgan!

I am thrilled to welcome Emerson Morgan to the Conservatory Library staff as the Librarian for Special Collections. He joins us on November 1. He is a teaching librarian and musicologist with experience in new music, jazz, and historical performance. Before joining the Oberlin College Libraries, he taught sections of music history and theory courses at Harvard, Vassar, and Oberlin, and performed descriptive cataloging services for music and image collections at Tufts University, the U.S. Office of the Répertoire International des Sources Musicales (RISM), Artstor, and the Yale Arts Library. Some of his academic and professional research has been published in Bach: Journal of the Riemenschneider Bach Institute and in Fontes artis musicae, the journal of the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres (IAML).

He holds the following degress:

MS, archives management, Simmons University, 2022
PhD, MA, historical musicology, Harvard University, 2018
MAR, religion and the arts, Yale Divinity School and Yale Institute of Sacred Music, 2010
AB, music, Vassar College, 1999

2 thoughts on “Welcome to Emerson Morgan!

  1. Wow, what a great professional for that position! Looking forward to meeting him.

  2. He is a lovely and thoughtful person. We’ll enjoy having him as a colleague!

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