DHL Notes 7/13/22

13 July 2022

Agenda items &  Notes on Decisions, Actions, and Responsibilities

  • Can we change the default homepage for the library computers? In Con, they default to Google. Not sure if this is a remote imaging problem or what. (KAA).

    • Can branch and main public libraries have their distinct library webpage as default on their computers? Valerie will submit a ticket for this. Big UserX issue for libraries!

Circ terminals at Con are old – still running Windows 7. What’s the upgrade schedule? Michael McFarlin says ask him about it. Kathy will do this.  Can Michael M. also check with other branches?  Science circ computer is running Windows 10.

Report of the task force on defining our communities of work. Largely descriptive of what is already in existence.  Committees clarified–with some discussion of how committees form?  LC should discuss how to form them, approvals, vetting, sponsor?

Groups are separate, based on established positions/responsibilities, whereas Working Groups are appointed by council, committees, or groups and remain in force as an integral part of council or the committee or group that appointed it ; task forces–limited duration, single focus.  Have a look at the fuller definitions. Thank you, Paul, Tim and Rebecca!

  • RFP Process and facilities planning (VH). Three firms have submitted proposals for doing the work. All promise to involve stakeholders.  Director of Facilities and VH will interview with firms in the coming week. Exciting prospect and clear commitment on part of the College.

  • COVID…again…and mice and men (VH). New variant may change some of our plans for coming academic  year, but at this point, keep planning!

  • Shelving storage issue in Receiving Room (VH)

    • Not enough room for all our shelving. Meeting today to resolve.

  • ILS migration movement

    • Paul will report at the Pan-Library forum on our representative review task force.

  • Planning, annual reports, honeycombs, and communication (VH).

Going pretty well.  Noticeable improvement in willingness to express views, make suggestions, etc. VH would like to see more comments on Library Lowdown, even if just a high five or a quick query to help focus–but this may come yet. It takes time to build trust, but it is so important for a healthy workplace.

  • Welcome banners!  We will have them. Valerie should ask Heath about “loading” our own into the frame.

  • StaffTimeAway Calendar–Please note all PTO on this calendar (sick, vacation, dr. appt, prof. Dev., etc.) ANYTIME you’re away, please note it in the StaffTimeAway calendar so that we know who is present (OCOPE and A&PS).. This is an operations and risk management issue, not a time-keeping or oversight issue. No need to explain what kind of PTO, just your name or name and” PTO.” Supervisors can put this in for you if you call in sick.  Current sick leave policy in A&PS Handbook: Sick leave for short-term illness is not defined in terms of an allotted number of days for A&PS. Employees have personal responsibility for deciding if they are not feeling well, and if coming to work will be detrimental to themselves or to others. In any case, employees are expected to communicate with their supervisor when they are not able to attend to their work duties. If an employee intends to be home, and not work, they may be required by their supervisor to use their vacation time. On a case-by-case basis, a supervisor does have discretion to allow an employee to work remotely (see Remote Work Policy). Patterned absences could be considered for discipline.

  • That’s the official policy, but we are just asking for a way to determine who’s on campus each day in case we are looking for them.

  • Art Library: shelving replacement project from Hades is nearly complete–a month later than promised.  Still missing a little shelving and working with company.

  • Bound art journal move update: underway, meeting again tomorrow.  Hope to be finished by Thanksgiving.

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