Library Leadership Notes: 6/1/22

1 June 2022

Agenda items & Notes on Decisions, Actions, and Responsibilities

  • Welcome Kathy, Farewell Debbie, Bye-Bye LLT, Hello …  and a discussion of the How We Work document. VH asks each group to be responsible/accountable, innovative, collaborative, and communicative–and to feel empowered to move things forward in their areas. Reporting and communication structure should help all stakeholders (and all staff) know what’s happening in each area.

  • Searches updates

    • Evening and Weekend supervisor interviews underway

    • Offer made to candidate for Conservatory Librarian for Special Collections position

    • Filled 1-year appt for Conservatory reference and instruction position

    • Archives and Special Collections staff will discuss the search for a new intern

  • PDQs

    • Supervisors must meet with A&PS to confirm entries before submissions

    • VH will go through all her direct reports and submit before she leaves on vacation/study trip (June 10-July 4).

  • Performance evaluation and review process for A&PS

    • HR process opens today – check your email for a link and information

  • ACE (Assessment, Communications, and Engagement -[as in Programming]) Retreat report

    • Events calendar will roll out this summer on library website.

    • Internal events calendar for staff?  VH will check with ACE

    • STATS Force – short term working group, work will be carried on by ACE Team

  • OCL Staff Organization –

    • Action item: Rebecca, Tim and Paul will create a list defining our different groups (task force, work group, working group, etc.) so we can start using the terms consistently. Report back by Jul 1, 2022

    • What groups do we currently have–incomplete and in need of updating:

      • OCL Staff Documentation Hub

      • List of OCL committees, etc. from 2017:
        DAG; Digital Projects: Diversity; Liaison Librarians; Metcalf Committee; Professional Personnel Committee; Reference and Instruction Group; Resource Promotion Team; Social Media Team; Staff Assembly Committee; and Staff Association Committee.

      • A “Work Group” is a “community of practice” that gets things done!

      •  Lists from Library council: Committees/Ad Hoc Groups Folder (with some bonus info). May need updating.

    • COMMITTEES: Library Council will be asked to review charges, train chairs, oversee representative and revolving memberships, and disband standing committees, regardless of where they report. Associate Directors or Director is ex officio on most committees. Part of chair orientation: Library Council regularly informs committee chairs that budgets must be planned and approved for those committees that need funds (parties, events, etc.) LC  oversees the committee structure to ensure that it is equitable, representative, and communicative.  LC sets rotating schedule of Pan-L committee reports throughout the year via the Pan-L scheduler.

    • TASK FORCES; WORKGROUPS, TEAMS, ETC. Definitions will follow, with distinctions between ad hoc, standing, etc. Library Council is not responsible for any of these communication/working groups. LC only oversees the committee structure to ensure that it is equitable, representative, and communicative.

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