Library Leadership Notes: 5/25/22

25 May 2022

Agenda items & Notes on Decisions, Actions, and Responsibilities

  • Evaluation and Review Process

A memo went out to A&PS staff regarding the new process for annual review and evaluation.  VH said that this is a happy confluence of the college’s desire to have such reviews and A&PS staff desires to restart such reports.  We are using an online system which we were allowed to amend to fit our needs as professional librarians. It’s still boxes to fill in, but we hope to make this a positive experience by looking at (and celebrating) our accomplishments, helping to remove roadblocks, and looking forward to the next year with workplace and professional development goals.

  • Internal communication and decision making

    • After a flurry of discussion in person and via email on ideas for slightly restructuring internal communications in light of new hires and in order to improve upon already good communications in the libraries, Valerie has proposed a new way of looking at How We Work that builds upon what we have and, hopefully, expands avenues for information sharing and communications about our work together.  She will present her idea at Pan-L.

  • In the discussion of this, the view came up that the Library Council may see itself as more advisory than action-oriented. We discussed the need to reiterate their charge and to be sure everyone understands that they are an integral part of our work, planning, and decision processes. [See description of LC]

    • Smaller discussion of library committees, working groups, task forces.  Need for definitions and up to date list.

    • Summer project to update OCL Staff Website (and put quick link to it from Library Lowdown)

    • Where do we keep policies?  Matt will gather together in a Box folder and pass off to Tim who will ORGANIZE it all and suggest naming conventions, folder, etc. to keep it straight and in one place (wishful thinking?)

    • Debt/Credit Obie$$ –no cash system coming to a public services desk near you…soon!

    • Some discussion of book sales at this juncture.  Remember that we are working with Better World Books now (Selina), but that every library can determine if they want to do a book sale/give away of gift books.

  • Allocations in June/July

    • Materials allocations will be done in June/July (early this year!!–or rather, properly on time).

Other news:

Evening and Weekend supervisor search well underway

One-year music librarian search nearing end

Music Special Collections Librarian search underway!

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