Kudos Collection for Pan-Library Forum 5/4/22

It’s kudos time again, and we’re thinking ahead to Wednesday’s Pan-Library Forum. Library Council is once more collecting various news items, accolades, and celebration-worthy material to share, and make sure that everyone knows what great work is going on amongst the staff. Kudos can be given by anyone in the Libraries to anyone in the Libraries, so spread the love!

You can do so by filling out the Kudos Collection form for the next PLF, located here. You can submit as many times as you like for as many fellow colleagues as you like. The submissions are anonymous, but do require you to use your oberlin.edu email address.

Submissions will be shared with Valerie for the next PLF presentation, so please get yours in early if you can, for the sake of getting everything into the presentation.

Thanks for all you do!

Greg Solow
Library Council Chair

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