Library Leadership Notes: 4/6/22


6 April 2022

Agenda items & Notes on Decisions, Actions, and Responsibilities

PanLibrary forum agenda–other items?

Add: Sierra update reminder (Michael M)

SLAB (Student Library Advisory Board) notes of interest:

  • Students suggest a monthly tour for each library, claim many students don’t know how many libraries there are or how to navigate their favorite. Liz Sullivan is already on it with a great system to make it happen.

  • A few of them suggested that the Science Library should remain open until midnight–one hour makes a big difference in study patterns, they say. Alison will take under consideration.

  • Better signage!!! App to navigate Terrell (suggests contacting Iago Mendez [student] to write one)

  • Music in the Libraries. Thanks for Tiny Ref Desk concerts.  How about pop up chamber groups in Terrell? Jazzariah’s was a big hit as an idea, too–but VH is having trouble booking talent….  Contact Prof. Docter.

  • Audio guide to campus architecture? Idea floated to Director of Facilities. Possible Winter Term project using good info from our exhibit on the same topic

    • Possible to add QR codes to signs to trigger 1-minute explanation of building and then directions to accessible entrance (two birds/one stone)?

  • Put a counselor’s office in the library.

Budget.  Not tamed, but mischief managed. We are still in a demand-driven acquisitions environment–and this will be the new reality, but we will survive this year and, with more manageable cuts for the next few years. Review of all approval plans, more DDA and EBA in our future; tighter collection development plans to be discussed when new AD arrives.

HR: Paul Heyde has accepted the AD for Collections and Resource Services position and begins May 16!  Rebecca will continue through June 30 for transition.

Stats: Stats task force created tentative list, with Valerie for review. Stakeholders will hear more soon.

Department check-ins

  • Tech services – Bindery, to continue with HF

  • Archives – digitizing materials from Wilson Bruce Evans Home; Shirley Graham Du Bois exhibit remaining at CPL another month, Ken is getting gate counts; MCT to DC for National Assoc University Women, celebration on Apr 22. Read all about it in new Library Perspectives!

  • Science – will contemplate SLAB suggestion (difficult to get student staff to cover the added hour); withdraw/discards for old editions/serials

  • Con – Changes to the Prep area that included student workstation moves and other updates are now complete. Budget questions re: Harrassowitz materials are being explored. Debbie provided a bit of advice to Tom Lopez on WOBC media shelving options for material including  ca.600 linear feet of LPs. WOBC studios will operate remotely during Wilder renovations this summer and ultimately they will move to the 4th floor of Wilder once this phase of the renovation is complete.

  • Special Collections – very busy with instruction sessions, letterpress studio requests; Carnegie Room will be occupied by exiled administrators during Cox renovations this summer. This has stalled move of some medium rare books to a seminar room there. EV working with donor in LA on letterpress/type gift

Time to update the Libraries safety/disaster plan. VH suggests small team of interested staffers to update the most recent/forgotten plan, working with Claudia in Facilities and then organizing info sessions for class.  (Maybe Ed, Michael P. and Sara H?)  Need to ask them.

LLT email – OK to set so anyone can email; RB will investigate who can change the setting

NEORLS workshop? During LLT–registration also sends you archive access for later viewing

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