Library Leadership Notes: 3/16/22

Agenda items & Notes on Decisions, Actions, and Responsibilities

  • CELA move-in dates (varied…beginning in late March–through May). Valerie will remind each office down there to invite library staff down for a “get to know you” visit.
  • Faculty Subscription Review and recurring costs budget–ongoing project, cancellations are real and necessary if we are to live within our FY23 budget. Thank you for working with your faculty on this sad task.
  • Strategic directions roll out (final draft is dated March 1st). Valerie will do a little presentation on it at upcoming PanLibrary Forum, launching it into the various departments and units for their exegesis and enlivening of it as they think about goals and projects for the summer and coming academic year.
  • PanLibrary Forum spreadsheet for agenda items (committee, kudos, reports?)–April 6.  LC is developing a kudo katching platform for all to express admiration or support.
  • Divisional Area Coordinators? (DACs) discussions: Valerie is having meetings with each of the DACs, introducing the Strategic Directions documents and letting them know more about the state of the library’s budgets in the face of reductions. Also trying to get conversation/action going in areas of  open access and OER.
  • Annual reviews and goals are based on the fiscal year: A&PS staff will hear more about this soon.  HR has form, but rollout expected soon.
  • April 12th – National Library Workers Day. Planning recognition/appreciation gift.
  • National Library Week April 3 – 9
  • Supply room update at PanLibrary forum–already announced via Lowdown
  • Recent discovery: CIT supplies paper and toner for public printers. Make sure you aren’t paying for public printing please.
  • Digitization upgrades–Heath and 3D task force coming up with list
  • Art library Sensitizer works!  Just plugged it in.
  • ER&L (Electronic Resources & Libraries) week – Selina and Tim attending; Tim is presenting. Go Tim!

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