Library Leadership Notes: 3/2/22

Agenda items & Notes on Decisions, Actions, and Responsibilities

Student wages: We are looking at FY19 to compare with what’s been requested for in FY23. COVID-era numbers don’t reflect what we had before the pandemic.  And this is the moment to re-assess and plan for the  post-COVID next normal.  Tracy and Erin will be meeting with everyone who has student employment lines in the budget.

Streaming video responses: A memo from the college attorney will have the language staff can use for responses to faculty requests. It is a risk-averse statement or to put it differently, Oberlin honors Intellectual Property law, emphasizing that our institution and the scholars and artists who work here depend upon this law. As scholars, Oberlin faculty have a vested interest in understanding Intellectual Property law and the TEACH Act and having a clear institutional policy for work with copyrighted material. Although exceptions were made during COVID19 those accommodations no longer exist. Videos can be watched in room 403 of Terrell. Art has laptops to lend with DVD drives in them. Faculty are disappointed but more understanding once they understand the rules for copyright.

Statistical task force: Tracy is working with Liz who has been charged with collecting stats for the libraries. We will have clear statements of what we track; transparency in stats collection; procedures, compliance, and responsibilities; and a snazzy public dashboard with quarterly updates on our website. What do we want to know beyond ACRL/IPEDS?  Think afresh!  Important for us to be able to show 1) use of collections, 2) use of space, 3) interactions with students, faculty, community, 4) outreach/events/social media, etc. We will be communicating with all stakeholders and aim for a Start date July 1, 2022.

PanLibrary Forum today: Spreadsheet in Google Sheets for everyone to contribute to as we build agenda for each monthly meeting.  Please use!.

Thank you Rebecca for agreeing to be interim AD/Head of Tech Services and Welcome to LLT!

Search committee for AD/Head of Tech Services will reconvene next week.

Deb Campana will be retiring at the end of this FY. 🙁  (much wailing and gnashing of teeth)

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