Library Leadership Notes: 2/23/22

23 February 2022

Agenda items and Notes on Decisions, Actions, and Responsibilities

OBIS slowdown is affecting public service & tech services

ACTION needed: Seriously needs to be addressed. How can we elevate this concern and get action?  Hosted not better; worse.  Could prioritizing OBIS internet/networking channels resolve the problem (as was the case for sound streaming resources once upon a time)? Ask Nathan Broom?  VH will ask Michael.

Reactions from faculty re: subscription memo

ACTION: Liaisons please send lists to your faculty.  Faculty reactions are as expected–”we need everything!”

Bring OER/Textbook conversation to GF Library Committee. Note: Science and Art have been buying textbooks for years.

Statistics: Folder in box called Statistics (are these the Sarah files; Ken will share link with VH to figure this out?).  We need to systematically prepare for ACRL/IPEDs stats plus any other data/evidence-based info we might want to highlight.

VH will charge a Task Force to get our statistical gathering policies and procedures in place: Will ask  Alison/Ken/Elizabeth/Tracy/Selina. Goal: clear statement of what we track; transparency in stats collection; procedures, compliance, and responsibilities; and a snazzy public dashboard with quarterly updates..  What do we want to know beyond ACRL/IPEDS?  Think afresh!  Communicate with all stakeholders and aim for Start date July 1, 2022. Barb said Art faculty suggested counting bBlackboard article downloads as use of library resources by students.  Faculty could do this with a  link to the article or by turning on “statistics tracking” for PDFs.  These stats for pdf reads for each class should be available to faculty.  But Tracy will ask CIT if they can give us that info (how many pdf articles opened or downloaded across all Blackboard classes as a measure of library use?).

Strategic Directions

Great feedback from many sources and a stronger document is resulting. Alison asks for rethinking of data mgmt/data literacy idea in report. Changed.

Search: Search for AD for Collections and Resource Services extended.  Narrowcasting underway to ask for applications. More news on this to follow.


Projections in for FY22.  FY23 and FY24 continue reductions. Diminishing purchasing power has been articulated to the deans and will be more forcefully highlighted in the strategic directions document.

Student numbers for budget needed by today. We will do the numbers to see if any reductions are needed and let you know.


Special collections cataloging is now being done by Diane, in SC/UA. Yay!

Gov Docs: Cecilia and others are reviewing.  Possibility of reclassing any gov docs that we keep?  Megan Cecilia, and Tim working on this with subject librarians.  Need to move from the 4th floor sooner rather than later. VH suggests that they move to Carnegie–boxed or on shelf (some discussion). Probably not enough space in Receiving Room.  VH to check shelving in Carnegie for space. At issue is the length of time it takes to get permission to deaccession these items. We need to make progress by end of the summer.  Possible removal of 4th floor shelving could make room for study space.  Tim and Megan to take these ideas back to Cecilia and others for possible solutions.

Con Library: Cleaning and reorganizing Con Preparations and Circ Desk areas to maximize space.  Lots of repurposing and cleaning. More efficient now! Share picture at PanLibrary forum!  First tiny ref desk concert, March 1; will also include a pop up exhibit in Con Special Collections reading room featuring women composers!

Receiving Room Update: move to swing room has occurred. Remodeled receiving room should be ready by May.  CIT folks will be in group study rooms until end of May.  Otherwise CELA is opening in late March. They will have welcoming receptions for library staff.

OhioLINK will be paused/suspended starting 3/11/22 for the next 7 weeks. A message will be going in the Digest asap with messages from liaisons as well, going to their faculty members.

Sierra logins to review.  Alison R. will remove student staff logins, if they are marked D on the spreadsheet.

Good news: Printing is fixed in the Science Library!!!  Thanks to Tony Ryno in CIT who worked until midnight so the Mac lab would be ready for a class on Wednesday.

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