Strategic Directions Document for Review

Dear Colleagues,

The Drafting Committee humbly submits the Strategic Directions document with addenda to you your review. The document has been reviewed by the LLT and LC. The next step is for you (all OCL staff), the GF Lib Committe, and the Student Library Advisory Board to review and comment for a final revision before it goes to the Administration.
It’s been quite a process–done with input from nearly 200 folks and covering just about every area of our work as we look to our future.
The document seeks to articulate who we are, where we are, and where we might go together.
It is not a Roadmap, but rather a Compass, pointing us toward strategic directions for our 21st-century library. Each department will use it to chart a path as we continue to travel together toward a great future!

Please feel free to make comments on the Googeldoc or send me an email or note with comments, corrections, edits, or critique.

And thank you to those of you who helped gather information, to those who organized the results, to those who drafted the document, and to everyone who is reviewing and improving it.

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