Library Leadership Notes: 2/16/22

16 February 2022

Agenda items & Notes on Decisions, Actions, and Responsibilities

Avalon access: how do we find it, may we find it, and then those LP jackets

Whereas Avalon is working well for the most part, we need to consider next steps:

  • Can we create a “media center” where public facing collections may be found?

  • Yes, it is possible for Reserve or individual playlists to be loaded (one-offs with urls that may need to come down for copyright reasons) but there is public-facing content we own that is ready to be out there even if only served to an Oberlin IP address.

  • Michael & Megan (w/3D committee) will explore how such streamable content can be made readily available and findable.

  • At this time supplemental content (album covers, programs, etc.) should be able to be seen but cannot. Avalon team is working on it this week in hopes of incorporating changes by the PanLibrary Forum in March.

  • Online Media Collections webpage exists ( but only lightly populated at this time and without direct links.  Need policy as to what goes there and how we publicize them.  This would be an excellent place to list the ConAudio database, too. Contact Michael about identifying public facing projects that we should be linking there.

We also need a collection development policy for what media belongs in Media Center/Avalon. Ask 3D group to consider the issue.

Avalon (

The Avalon streaming media server is up and running with some films for courses and playlists for the Con, but it’s not ready for a full public reveal.  There are a few technical issues – we need help displaying supplemental files (e.g. album covers, concert programs, etc.), and the question of what collections belong in Avalon.  The 3D task force will consider what materials (e.g. films, music, oral history interviews, audiobooks, etc.) belong in Avalon (born digital files, digitized items from our collections), how to provide access (fully open, on campus access only, by course), and how to promote the server/center, as part of its charge.

Website tweaks and changes in general. Guidelines for website changes and further development are available but for those who need assistance: is the Web Team still who should be contacted?

  • Do we have? In a way. Ask ACE team to look at this as well.

  • Webteam can set you up as a collection manager, you can add content.

  • Webteam will meet with the Student Advisory Board in near future to go over their design/access concerns.

Budget situation has changed from what was posted in Sierra. We need to stop purchasing earlier in the fiscal year to stay within the new budget number.  Please do not order anything but the most necessary (Spring reserves; faculty insistence, class needs, cool medieval manuscript–kidding!)  Approval plans have to stop for this year—desperate needs for single titles should be ordered through GOBI if really needed. Next year will be clearer to all from the beginning (thanks to Erin).  We will also distribute the funds in Banner properly based on past patterns. And remember, we still have 420k in endowments–spend them!  Erin will hold regular budget meetings with unit heads in FY23..

Since FY 2020 the libraries have cut about 10% from our overall budget. Our mandate was to cut 15%, so we are not done–but we will know our numbers better next year.

Strategic Directions doc: It’s before the LLT and LC now. Send comments today by 2pm. VH will  then send to the GF committee, Student Advisory board and all library staff before going to the Deans. VH shared comment concerning One Oberlin reference with LLT.  LLT argued that, like it or not, making reference to it will strengthen our hand. VH will fiddle a little with it.

Air handler in Tech Services of Terrell: new system is going into tech services across from the water fountain. Shelves between AES and DMS may need to come down

Student worker needs for FY23: Tracy will be asking the student supervisors subcommittee for student hours predictions for FY23.

All Tech Services team plus Barb meeting in near future to brainstorm solutions to her need to move ~650 linear feet of serials this summer.

The process to become a virtual FDLP Gov Docs depository is underway.  We will retain far fewer materials, including some from the WWII era.   Cecilia and selected liaisons (Megan, Tim, Alison, Eboni, Michael M) are reviewing item numbers and holdings.   Discarding of print gov docs begun during the pandemic continues, along with discards of microfiche, and cdroms.

Search update: the search for AD/Head of Tech Services has failed. The search committee will meet this Thursday to decide next steps.

The demise of Slack: LLT will now use Google chat instead of Slack (while we hope and pray for Microsoft teams, says VH)

Good news: Winter term book arts classes were a huge success;  Douglass Day Transcribathon participation was a success!  Steamboat Willie Apollo event tonight.

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