Introducing our new Daytime Circulation Supervisor Rebecca Wedge

Rebecca Wedge has been in libraries for over a decade, starting as a student worker in the main library, and most recently as the Adult Services Supervisor at the Norwalk Public Library. Rebecca grew up in Hawai’i, but landed in Oberlin after attending Oberlin College to study Philosophy. Her professional interests include the use of emerging technologies in libraries, and the open access and open source movements, but her favorite part of library work is still just helping patrons. Outside of work, Rebecca enjoys baking, running, and recently has begun horseback riding again. Her start date is September 23rd. Please join me in welcoming Rebecca to the team.

One thought on “Introducing our new Daytime Circulation Supervisor Rebecca Wedge

  1. Can’t wait to meet you, Rebecca. We’re so glad you are joining us!

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