Welcome to Kevin McLaughlin and Kyler Decker to the Conservatory Library!

Please join me in warmly welcoming our new colleague, Kyler Decker. Kyler joined us Monday (July 29th) as the Conservatory Library’s Collection Manager/Evening Supervisor. Kyler is currently enrolled in the MLIS program through Kent State University. He holds a master’s in music history from Bowling Green State University and a Bachelor of Music in Music Education from Ohio University. His primary academic/library interest is ludomusicology (video game music), and a more recent interest in music copyright as it relates to different media such as film, games, and online creations. He was a Graduate Supervisor Bowling Green, Ohio BGSU Music Library and Bill Schurk Sound Archives.

I’m happy to share that Kevin McLaughlin has joined us in the Conservatory Library to help out for the next six months. Kevin has spent over 20 years working in some of the finest music libraries in the country, including serving as Director of Library Services at the Cleveland Institute of Music and the San Francisco Conservatory. He holds degrees from the University of Washington, MLIS; the University of Minnesota, DMA; Yale University, MM; and the University of Michigan, BM.  Some of you may know Kevin’s music journalism and criticism work from Clevelandclassical.com and Cleveland.com. He has also produced podcast episodes that echo the legacies of jazz legends — Bessie Smith, Duke Ellington, Louis Armstrong, and others in his podcast series, At the Jazz Band Ball.

Welcome to Kyler and Kevin. We’re proud to have them join us, and we look forward to growing and learning alongside them!



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