Barb Prior to Retire

I write to let you know that our esteemed colleague Barbara Prior, Art Librarian and Head of the Clarence Ward Art Library since 1998, will be retiring on 31 May 2024.  Oberlin’s Art Library supports the Allen Memorial Art Museum, the departments of Art History and Studio Art, and the general curriculum at Oberlin College and Conservatory.  Under Barb’s leadership, the collections have grown and teaching with collections has become central to the work of the library.

Barb wears many hats. She is a collections development specialist, building collections to meet research and teaching needs, she curates the special collections of the Ward Library, produces exhibitions and library guides on a wide range of subjects, works with benefactors, and engages the campus and community with  public outreach initiatives

Thank you, Barb for all the support you have given to faculty, students, curators, and the community!  You will be missed.

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