FEELING CREATIVE? Submit a story, poem, or comic to our new Oberlin Shorts dispenser!

I am pleased to let you know that we will be installing a Short Story Dispenser in Terrell Library’s Readers’ Row.  Visitors can push a button to get a 1- or 3-minutes story/poem/comic OR they can push a special button to get “Oberlin Shorts,” which will be a collection of stories/poems/comics by the Oberlin community.

In the fall, we will work with Creative Writing on being part of the Oberlin Shorts project, but to get us started, we need to load up our dispenser with some great stories/comics/poems by YOU, your students, creative alums you may know, Kendal friends, etc.  I need about 30-50 pieces in place before the machine is delivered (in mid-september).

Please don’t be shy!  Use this form to submit your creative pieces. Guidelines and word counts are included in the form–read the comics tech specs carefully before submitting please.  I am only sending the form to Oberlin library staff–please feel free to share with those you may know who would be interested in being part of this fun and creative project.



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