OhioNet webinar on Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Summer learning continues with SHIFT Consulting –

Our series of sessions on Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) with SHIFT Consulting continues this August with two webinars that provide an introduction to Ableism and Coded Language.

Introduction to Ableism | August 16 @ 2 p.m.

Ableism and accessibility are ongoing concerns for millions of individuals in the United States. This session is focused on helping participants learn more about how ableism impacts the disability community and ways to address it. Best practices will always be changing, and members of the disability community and allies must be committed to continual listening and learning.

Introduction to Coded Language | August 24 @ 2 p.m.

Language and communication are components of culture that are coded with meanings, attitudes, beliefs, and power dynamics. These codes are pervasive and have impacts on relational and structural outcomes. Over time, language and its meanings become layered and can function differently as a result. In other words, meanings of words and their implications change over time. 

In this hour-long introduction to the concept of coded language, participants will:

Please note: To ensure a safe and open learning environment for these complex topics, neither of these two webinars will not be recorded and will not be available as part of our Training Archive.

Additional details and links to register for these events (and more!) can be found on our Training Page. Questions? Feel free to contact us at ohionet@ohionet.org.

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