Institution memory call – Carrolton Press/”CarP” cataloging

We have around 77,000+ bib record in OBIS added to the catalog not later than 1994 that have the an original code “CarP” (MARC 040$c, code or the name of the organization that transcribed the record into machine-readable form). That is the MARC code for Carrolton Press, unrelated to imprints of these titles. (View list of titles and OBIS links.) I suspect this was just a record import project, and they do have OCLC numbers, but if there is anything particularly special about these, could you please let me know? This pertains to a cleanup project, to be posted separately soon.

Thanks! Rebecca

One thought on “Institution memory call – Carrolton Press/”CarP” cataloging

  1. Typo in the post title, hooray! “Institutional”.

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