Tim Keller presenting at ER&L 2022

Tim Keller will be participating as speaker at the 2022 ER&L (Electronic Resources & Libraries) conference on Wednesday, presenting “This Presentation Will Make You Uncomfortable: Flagging Problematic Language in Discovery Tools” with Sarah Schaff and Ben Daigle. They will be talking about the Five Colleges (OH5) subject heading flagging project (detailed in Library Perspectives issue 65, ”Libraries participates in DEIA Flagging Project”).  In their own words:

The critical cataloging (#critcat) movement has shone new light on problematic language in our controlled vocabularies. This presentation highlights a collaboration by liberal arts college libraries to confront systemic bias in our discovery tools, not by “fixing” it, but by calling attention to it and inviting dialogue with our communities.

Congratulations to Tim and co-presenters!

4 thoughts on “Tim Keller presenting at ER&L 2022

  1. Big Congratulations!!!

    • It was a great time! Lots of good questions generated in the Q&A and good further discussion that included EBSCO and OCLC participants who were also giving presentations, so here’s hoping more changes are coming!

  2. Way to go, Tim!

    • Thank you! And now onward to more presentations and possibly a publication or two!

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