Lowdown Login Temporary Changes

Hi Everyone,

I have removed the login prompt for the Library Lowdown temporarily while CIT works with Okta to improve its function and allow for all OCL users to login. This means that the site is accessible to anyone and that anyone can contribute to it without logging in. I will turn on the login prompt again when it is working properly.

For now, I’d rather have everyone be able to use the site and get used to the Lowdown as the official source for internal OCL announcements and information.

Important: when submitting a post or comment, be sure to add your full name so it will display on the site.

I’ll be monitoring the site for any spam posts. If you see anything weird, please let me know and I’ll remove it as soon as I can.


Contribute to National Library Shelfie Day 2022

Next Wednesday is National Library Shelfie Day! To celebrate, the ACE team will be posting staff shelfies on the Libraries’ Instagram account and we need your help! If you are comfortable appearing on social media, please submit a photo of yourself in the library stacks or with a favorite book on the new Communications Proposal Form. Don’t be afraid to get silly with it, like the John Cleese lover in this photo! Please note in your submission whether or not you would like your name to appear with the photo.

Thank you for your participation!

Love Week 2022

Dear everyone,

Ready for “Love Week” in the Libraries again this year? The week-long celebration (last held in 2020) was quite a success. It’s time to bring back this fun libraries-wide tradition!

This year, due to the end of Winter Term and the start of Spring semester, we propose doing this during the week of Feb. 21-25. Yes, it’s after Valentine’s Day, but it comes at a time when more students should be on campus for spring classes.

If you have ideas for what event(s) you’d like to do (and on which dates), please let us know by Monday, Feb. 14. Just use this form to get started, and we’ll be in touch to help iron out details! http://tiny.cc/HostEventsatOCL

Thank you!

P.S. — See calendars below for past Love Week events.

Webinar (DEI focus): OCLC Cataloging Community Meeting, Jan 28, 2022

Sharing here, as there will likely be content of interest to noncatalogers! Agenda and (free) registration link is up for OCLC Cataloging Community Meeting, Jan 28, 2022, 2-4:30 pm.

From OCLC:

This semi-annual virtual gathering offers ample opportunity for questions and conversations with participants. During the first hour, we’ll discuss efforts related to diversity, equity, and inclusion as well as our collective work toward more respectful and inclusive description. After a short break, we’ll discuss updates to OCLC cataloging and metadata services, WorldCat quality initiatives, and much more.


Diversity, equity, and inclusion presentations

  • Adrian Williams (University of Kentucky), Using the Homosaurus LGBTQ+ vocabulary in both OCLC Connexion and in the local catalog
  • Misty Alvaro (Columbus Metropolitan Library), DEI in public library consortia: Trusting, collaborating, and thriving
  • Cynthia Whitacre (OCLC), OCLC Metadata DEI

OCLC cataloging update

  • OCLC metadata services update — David Whitehair (OCLC)
  • WorldShare Record Manager — John Chapman (OCLC), Petra Löffel (OCLC)
  • WorldShare Collection Manager — Cindi Blyberg (OCLC)
  • Marcie Burton (UNC Greensboro), Automatic holding feeds: Set it and forget it
  • OCLC metadata quality update
  • Featuring a presentation by Robert Bremer (OCLC) on the changes for the Aliens to Noncitizens Library of Congress Subject Headings in WorldCat
  • Questions for OCLC

The meeting will be recorded, and we will share the recording with all registrants.
