Thank you!

I have to confess that I was very nervous about the party, not because I was worried about how the party would go, more because I never like to be in the spotlight, neither like to talk in the public and speak in some flowery language which is not my native tongue.

But I have to admit this party was awesome.

Thank you for those who participated in the planning I didn’t know about plus Sara, Claire, Elizabeth, Tracy etc;

Thank you my ‘neighbor’ Michael for the best playlist and audio system;

Thank you very much for everyone who came to the party last Thursday;

Thank you for everyone for the cards; and thank you for my wonderful team, especially Elizabeth.

It has been a wonderful seven-year at Oberlin. I am feeling extremely lucky to know everyone who works at OCL. I am so grateful for all the trust, support and friendship. THANK YOU, Oberlin College Libraries.

I am ending with one of my favorite quotes from Milarepa, the Tibetan hermit,

Even a strong wind is empty by nature;

Even a great wave is just ocean itself;

Even thick southern clouds are insubstantial as sky;

Even the dense mind is naturally birthless.

2 thoughts on “Thank you!

  1. I’m so sorry that I was out of town then! Best wishes, Runxiao!!

  2. I miss you already, RZ!!!!

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